Do Poodles Shed? Myth Resolved Tips


Do Poodles Shed

“Do poodles shed?”. The answer to the question is “Yes.” There is no dog breed in the world that doesn’t shed; however, the poodles, renowned for their intelligence and activeness, shed very little. Let us discuss why poodles shed and how we adopt grooming activities to reduce this shedding.

It is the most common question asked by those who want to buy a poodle but suffer from allergic issues. They are in the right place. Here, they will get the complete information about this question.

How Much Do Poodles Shed?

The shedding of a poodle’s hair depends on its size. Among poodles, the standard poodle is the largest size poodle, around 16 – 27 inches, while toy poodles are under 10 inches, so standard poodles shed more compared to toy poodles. However, they shed so little that you hardly found their hairs on carpets and furniture. 

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), poodles are the only dogs bred that shed less. If you are careless and don’t fulfill the grooming needs of your poodle, then they will shed more. Of course, they need regular maintenance to look attractive and stay healthy. Always take care of your poodle.

Why Do Poodles Shed So Little?

Poodles shed so little for many reasons. The first reason is its curly coat. This coat traps the loosened hair and doesn’t let it fall, so rarely do you find hair all around your home.

The second reason is the longer period of poodles’ hair growth compared to other dog breeds. That’s why they shed little. The third reason is the single coat of poodles. Other dog breeds are mostly double-coated, that is, undercoat and topcoat.

The undercoats in the dog’s breed shed seasonally, which is why they shed more. While poodles are not double-coated, they are single-coated, so they shed yearly.

The Puzzles of Poodle’s Coat

Do Poodles Shed

It is a misconception that poodles’ have fur, although they have hair. There is a big difference between them. Fur grows to a limited length and sheds down when it reaches its maximum growth. After that, new fur starts growing, and the process is repeated.

Poodles have hair that grows continuously for a longer period, like human hair, but eventually, when they fall, they get trapped in the curly coat. That’s why poodles are hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic Dog’s

Poodles are hypoallergenic, which means that they cause very little allergies because they shed less. The major allergy-causing agent of all dog breeds is the dander. Dander is a mixture of hair, dust, coat oil, and dead skin cells. 

The other allergy-causing agents are proteins and saliva in dogs’ urine, so it is clear that all dogs cause allergies in some way. However, poodles shed very little, so the chances of being affected by dander are lower. The AKC includes poodles in the list of hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Other Reasons for Losing Hair

Poodles lose hair, not only because of dander but also for many reasons.

Some of them are as follows:

  • Stress
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Pregnancy
  • Sebaceous adenitis
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Fleas

Let us discuss all of them in detail.


Poodles are very sensitive in nature. If you are very strict and shout at your poodle, then it is dangerous for the poodle’s health. Moreover, if your dog is suffering from continuous diet changes or lifestyle changes, it takes the stress. This stress results in excessive loss of poodles’ hair.

Allergies and Infections

If your poodle is suffering from some skin allergies or infections, it sheds more. When a poodle loses hair only from a specific area, then it is an indicator that a poodle is suffering from an allergy, so take your poodle to your vet and give him proper treatment.


When a female poodle gets pregnant, hormone changes in her body occur. This results in many changes in her body, one of which is hair loss. Don’t worry about that, as it is not a disease. The poodle becomes normal after the arrival of the litter because the hormone changes return to normal position.

Sebaceous Adenitis

It is a type of genetic skin disease in which inflammation or destruction of the oil-producing sebaceous gland occurs. The role of sebum is to protect the skin from microorganisms. Its decline in production exposes the skin to many microorganisms that lead to hair loss and other health issues.

Other symptoms are as follows:

  • Mild skin scales
  • Scarring in the skin
  • Lesions
  • Flaking
  • Thickening of the skin

It seems that standard poodles are highly affected by this disease. It is recommended to give Vitamin A supplements and increase the use of oil sprays and shampoos to reduce this disease.

Cushing’s Disease

This disease occurs in poodles due to the excessive production of the cortisol hormone from the adrenal gland. This hormone helps the poodle manage stress and any emergency situation. However, its overproduction leads to hair loss and many other disorders.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • Excessive appetite
  • Increased uptake of water
  • Increased urination
  • Excessive panting
  • Reduced activity

A proper check-up from the vet and medicines such as Anipryl and Lysodryn are required to reduce this disease. Always follow Vet prescription for any medicine.


Fleas are the most common cause of hair loss in poodles. It occurs due to improper care of poodles. The symptoms that show your poodle suffering from fleas are as follows:

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • Continuous scratching
  • Itching 
  • Irritation

It is recommended to take your poodle to your vet to follow proper guidelines to tackle this problem. Proper bathing, brushing, and using poodle shampoo reduce the disease.

Is Poodle Shedding Healthy?

Yes, it is healthy. Shedding is a natural phenomenon occurring in all dog breeds. However, excess shedding is not good and may occur due to various health and other issues such as Cushing’s disease and fleas. In such cases, take your poodles to the vet and give them proper treatment.

Caring of Poodles Coat

Ways to care for your poodle coat are as follows:


Regular brushing of the poodle coat prevents matting, tangling and maintains blood circulation that increases the length of the poodle’s hair. Daily brushing wipes out the hair that is trapped in the poodle coat, so it decreases the chances of causing allergy. However, a poodle’s curly coat requires regular brushing; otherwise, dander increases.

Always buy a brush and bristles according to your poodle coat thickness. If your poodle has dense hair, then buy a brush whose bristles are strong with soft ends. Such type of brush protects your poodle from any harm and pain. As poodles have no undercoat, it is highly recommended that a pin or slicker brush be used. If your poodle has a curly coat, use a mating brush. 


Regular bathing is essential for poodles’ coats. Shampoos play a very important role in shedding. If you are using human shampoos, then it damages poodles’ coats and increases itching. It results in excessive shedding however, oatmeal and canine-formulated shampoos are best to control shedding. Some conditioners are also used for this purpose.

Proper Diet

A proper diet is very important for a poodle’s coat. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids makes the coat healthy, so they shed less. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids play a very important role in maintaining coat health. Always give high-quality food to your poodle according to the doctor’s recommendation.


If your dog’s nutritional requirement is not fulfilled by the food, then supplements can be used to fulfill this deficiency. Fish oil and native pet omega oil are used to provide omega fatty acids that increase hair health and as a result, shedding reduces.

Such supplements also improve cardiac health, digestion, and joint support. Don’t use supplements without a doctor’s recommendation.


If your dog’s nutritional requirement is not fulfilled by the food, then supplements can be used to fulfill this deficiency. Fish oil and native pet omega oil are used to provide omega fatty acids that increase hair health and as a result, shedding reduces.

Such supplements also improve cardiac health, digestion, and joint support. Don’t use supplements without a doctor’s recommendation.

Regular Checkups

Regular checkups help to maintain the poodle’s coat and health. Many diseases, such as Cushing’s or Sebaceous adenitis, affect the poodle coat and increase shedding, so it is important to address such problems quickly. If your poodle sheds more or you observe any abnormal behavior, then consult your veterinarian.

Professional Grooming

If you want a short haircut for your poodles, then send them to any professional man. Short haircuts maintain their coat length and make them feel comfortable, especially in the summer season.

Long nails of poodles also increase shedding in case of fleas as they scratch their coat with them. Professional groomers trim their nails to normal length to reduce the chance of shedding.

Poodle hypoallergenic

Play and Exercise

Regular training and playing sessions not only make your poodle physically fit but also improve coat health. Due to such activities, blood circulates properly, which nourishes the hair follicles, resulting in healthy coats and reducing shedding.

Engage your poodle with brain-challenging exercises so they remain mentally strong. It seems that those poodles who are mentally weak shed more compared to healthy poodles.

How Much Exercise Does a Poodle Need?

Poodle exercise depends on the size and health of the poodle. If the poodle is adult and healthy, then exercise for around 2 hours is recommended. However, if the poodles are very young, then a 1 hour exercise is enough for them.

Keep in mind that poodles are very sensitive pets, so don’t adopt strict behavior during exercise. Adopt positive reinforcement to your poodle. It makes your poodle coat healthy and decreases shedding.


Poodles are unique pets as they shed very little compared to other dog breeds. They shed for various reasons; however, proper brushing, checkups, bathing, exercises, and professional grooming reduce shedding.

Poodles are best to buy not only for their activeness and intelligence but also because they are hypoallergenic. I hope that you get complete information in this article on how to control poodle shedding and the answer to the question, “Do poodles shed?”

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, poodles require high maintenance because of their sensitive skin and coat nature. Regular grooming is required to decrease shedding. Poodles require regular brushing to prevent mats and tangles. They require trimming of nails every week.

There is no dog in the world that is 100% hypoallergenic. However, poodles are the only dog breeds that cause very little allergy compared to others.

Poodles are smart and active, but their mental health requires regular exercise. They learn basic training commands quickly. They always tend to make their owners happy.

Poodles have a friendly temperament. They are very smart and intelligent. They shed very little compared to other dog breeds.

To prevent matting and tangling, daily brushing is required. Buy a matting brush to do this work. 

When your poodle sheds more, or you feel some abnormal behavior in the poodle, then take them to the vet for a checkup. However, it is highly recommended that regular checkups be arranged in order to protect poodles’ coats from any disease. 

Yes, sebaceous adenitis is a type of skin disease that is less common in humans but found more in a poodle. This disease destroys the sebaceous gland. The effects of this disease include hair loss.

Poodles have a friendly temperament. They are very smart and intelligent. They shed little compared to other dog breeds.

Mostly, dogs develop allergies at the age of around 6 months and above. However, poodles are hypoallergenic and shed very little.

There are many methods to treat dog skin allergies. The first one is to use dog shampoo that decreases the allergy. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used to cure dogs’ skin allergies.

Yes, eggs are good for dogs as they contain a lot of nutrients.

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