Moyen Goldendoodles – A Complete Breed Review

If you are looking for a pet and want to know about Moyen Goldendoodles, their price, health issues, nutrition needs, diet requirements, origin, and size, then you are at the right place. Here, you will get the complete information about the Moyen Goldendoodles.
Goldendoodles are a cross of a golden retriever and a poodle. Golden retrievers are the ones that come in only one size, but the poodles are available in different sizes, so the size of the offspring depends on the size of the poodle. Let us deeply dive into the world of Goldendoodles and explore their pros and cons!
What Does Moyen Mean?
The term moyen is a French word that means “medium.” However, in German, this term is called Klein. Medium-sized poodles are excessively found in Europe; due to their size, they are called moyen poodles.
What are Moyen Poodles?
Moyen poodles are a breed of miniature poodles and a standard poodle. Moyen, miniature, standard, and toy poodles are found in the US, but medium poodles are found in Europe. Moyen poodles are medium-sized poodles that are very smart and intelligent.
What are Golden Retrievers?
Golden Retrievers are a type of dog breed that is found mainly in the US. However, their origin is Scotland. They are very intelligent and used as service dogs. They have a friendly behavior and are very energetic. They need proper care and mental stimulation training that makes them healthy and fit.
What are Moyen Goldendoodles?
Moyen Goldendoodles are a breed of golden retrievers and medium-sized poodles. They are medium-sized doodles. However, they are not only medium-sized but also present in various sizes depending on the poodle because the size trait in offspring comes from the poodle, not from the golden retriever.
Temperaments of Moyen Goldendoodles
Medium-sized Goldendoodles are sweet. Their temperaments mainly depend on the traits of their parents, so before discussing their temperaments, firstly, discuss the traits of their parents.
Traits of the Moyen Poodles
Traits of the Golden Retriever
Now, you are able to imagine the traits and temperaments of the moyen Goldendoodles. They are very smart and always try to make their owners happy. The cooperative nature of golden retrievers made a Goldendoodle the best pet.
As poodles need proper caring and time, Goldendoodles require regular training and daily walks. The sensitive nature of a poodle made a goldendoodle a caring pet. However, these traits vary from pet to pet and parent to parent.
Size comparisons of the Goldendoodles
Goldendoodles are available in 4 sizes: toy, miniature, medium, and standard. The size of the moyen goldendoodle lies between the size of a miniature and a standard Goldendoodle.
Their sizes are as follows:
Type | Size |
Toy | 8 – 13 inches |
Miniature | 13 – 20 inches |
Medium | 17 – 21 inches |
Standard | 21+ inches |
Moyen Goldendoodles are more petite in size than standard doodles, but they are larger in size than mini and toy Goldendoodles. These medium-sized dogs live comfortably in average-sized homes.
Weight Comparisons of the Goldendoodles
The weight of Goldendoodles
The weight of Goldendoodles varies from breed to breed. However, if a dog is suffering from some health issues, they lose weight. Food and diet also play an essential role in the weight of a Goldendoodle.
The weight of Goldendoodles
Type | Weight |
Toy | 12 – 25 pounds |
Miniature | 26 – 35 pounds |
Medium | 36 – 50 pounds |
Standard | 50+ pounds |
Appearance of the Pet
The medium-sized golden doodles have oval eyes and a beautiful coat. Their skull is round, which makes them look more beautiful. However, their colors and appearance depend on the type of breed.
The colors of the Goldendoodles are very attractive and charming. They come in various colors, and all their colors are adorable. Many people tend to buy apricot-colored Goldendoodles. It all depends on you.
Here are the colors of Moyen Goldendoodles:
One of the most common and exciting features of F1b Goldendooldes is their no-shedding coats. Their coats are curly and look very beautiful. The reason for curly hair is that they are 75% poodles and 25% golden retrievers. These F1b Goldendoodles are similar to Bernedoodles and Englishdoodles.
Benefits of Moyen Goldendoodle
The most crucial benefit of Moyen Goldendoodles is that they are hypoallergenic, meaning they do not shed. Many types of poodles and doodles shed and cause allergies in protein-sensitive persons.
Their skin cells, called “dander,” are the attacking factor that causes allergy. The dander is also present in their saliva, so if you are a protein-sensitive person, stay away from these pets. However, medium-sized Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic, so they are the best pets.
Friendly Behavior
Medium-sized Goldendoodles are very social and have friendly behavior. They always tend to make their owners happy. They cooperate with their owners and try not to hurt them. Children love to play with these types of pets.
Soft Fur
Medium-sized Goldendoodles have long, curly hair. These doodles are very famous for their soft fur. It is very pleasing to touch these soft fur, but regular grooming and maintenance are required.
Service Dogs
As we discussed, golden retrievers are used as service dogs, so modern Goldendoodles are also used as service dogs. It is because the parent transfers their trait to offspring. However, not only retrievers but also standard poodles are used for this service.
Health Problems
If you want to buy a pet, make sure that the parents are not suffering from any health issues because if they suffer from any health problem, the chances of offspring suffering from the disease increase.
Here are some common health problems from which Goldendoodles suffer:
Hip Dysplasia
It is a type of disease in which the hip and socket joints are not aligned correctly. This disease occurs at an early age or at birth. The symptoms appear when the dog is at the age of 1 year and above.
Their symptoms are as follows:
Sebaceous Adenitis
It is a type of skin disease that is less common in humans but found more in goldendoodles. This disease results in the destruction of the sebaceous gland. The effects of this disease include lethargy and weight loss.
The symptoms of the disease are as follows:
It is a disease of the endocrine system in which the abnormal endocrine system releases a hormone that affects the thyroid gland and all parts of the body. This disease is more common in doodles.
Here are the symptoms of the disease:
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
It is a type of eye disease in which photoreceptors of the eye are destroyed, and retina atrophy occurs. This disease occurs due to gene mutation. Their effects are as follows:
Luxating Patella
This disease is very common in dogs, especially toy or miniature poodles. In this disease, the patella or kneecap dislocates from its original position, leading to damage to the anterior crucial ligament. This disease is also called a “trick knee.
Here are the symptoms of the disease:
Requirements of Goldendoodles
Daily Walk
Goldendoodles require a regular morning walk that lasts for about 1 to 3 hours. As we know, daily walks are essential for humans as well as for pets. This morning walk makes them healthy and strong. If you have free time, take your goldendoodles for an evening walk, also.
Mental Stimulation
As discussed earlier, doodles are highly intelligent and wise, but their mental health requires regular exercise. Brain-challenging exercises are highly recommended. For this purpose, you can use puzzle toys, although some agility courses are also available. Puzzling games and exercises make Doodles healthy and sharp.
In order to make your doodles attractive, regular grooming is required. But before this, make sure that the tools are suitable for grooming purposes. Curly-coated and corded doodles need their nails trimmed every week. They need to be brushed daily. The brush depends on the type of hair, so bought the brush according to their hair.
Proper time
A vendre Doodles are active, but they get bored easily, which makes them destructive. In this case, they bark continuously so proper time of the owner is required to serve them. If you are a busy man and don’t have much time, then don’t buy a poodle.
Doodles love to play games such as hide and seek and tug of war. They not only enjoy these activities, but they become mentally and physically stronger. They also love to play with challenging toys. Such types of games made them physically and mentally strong.
Diet and Nutrients
Doodles are sensitive and require a specific amount of nutrients every day to remain healthy and fit. The health and weight of your doodles should be your priority. Make sure that the food you give to your doodles is protein-rich.
This is because many food companies provide food that contains large amounts of wheat and corn, and the protein requirement of the dog would not be fulfilled, so first read the dog food labels before buying. Doodles need 18% of the protein daily.
Eggs, meat, and fish are highly recommended for your dog’s diet. Sweet potato is rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, whereas apple provides Vitamin A and C, so make sure that you are providing such food to your pets.
Moyen Goldendoodles are the best pets as they are active, sharp, friendly, and social. They tend to make their owners happy and have sympathy for them. They require proper food, proteins, daily walks, proper time, and regular grooming.
If you want to buy doodles, then don’t overthink just buy them. I hope you will get complete information about the doodles as we cover every aspect of them, whether they are health issues or grooming needs. Let’s buy doodles and make them your best pets.